Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013! and Hello Blogoshpere!

Well we made it to 2013 [Sorry Mayans]. I have a few goals this year, not resolutions because I feel they are too easily broke, where you strive for goals. I want to be more crafty, cook more, and blog about my experiments. I want to be a better mother and wife. I also want to spend less time on Facebook or playing with my iPhone and focus on my babies while they are still young I will blink and be buying cars and prom dresses. I want to get good grades, finish my Bachelor's degree and start and finish my Associates and Certificate. I am also going to try my hand at the 365 photo challenge. This blog is for any and all who wish to read it but I will only go by K and my family will be referred to by things other than their names as well.

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